Original Drawing: Eve taking the fruit from the tree.
(5 years ago)
Second Drawing: Adam and Eve reaching for the fruit.
Stage 1: First layer of paint. I didn't like where the hands were, so eventually it changed.
Stage 2: I thought she might stay as a silhouette, but instead I added color later.
Hr head is larger here, which I felt was much better.
Stage 3: Giving light to her face, hair, shoulder, and hands. Lightening up the foliage, and a change in the position of her hand.
Stage 4: Adding more color to her skin, shaping the fruit, the eyes, and adding more leaves.
Stage 5: Adding shadows, glowing skin, more definition in leaves, and painting the hands.
Stage 6: Adding yet more definition to leaves, the collar bone, hair, and corrections on the shape and coloring of the hands.
Stage 7: Paintings the sides, finishing hands, touching up the face and the fruit.
Leonid is holding it up for me. I snuck a photo.
Me with the painting. (although I see one error, I'll fix it quickly next week).